Kathy Matthew

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Can technological advancement make us less materialistic and more experience seekers?

The rapid advancement in technology has the potential to make us more experience-oriented and invest more time and energies in trying out new experiences. Imagine...

Future Skills of the Technology Leader – The Critical Link Between Technological Innovation and Legal Innovation

The lightening speed of technological innovation has been surpassing the slower but steady wheels of change in law and regulation for some time.  This...

Empirical Data: Delivering Quintessential Blockchain Solutions

Blockchain has often been compared to the internet owing to its ability to offer endless possibilities and wide array of opportunities to businesses. While...

ObEN,Making Customers a Part of the AI Revolution

Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked about technologies in recent times. AI is slowly integrating into our lives in the form...

A Cross-Border Payment Solution in Australia that Broadens Customers’ Financial Horizon

Harry Zheng CRO, Royalpay RoyalPay is a leading cross-border payment solution provider in Australia with strong connections with Alipay, WeChat Pay, BestPay, JD Pay, and credit...

CROMSOURCE Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

CROMSOURCE marks its twentieth anniversary of providing high quality clinical research services and exceptional customer support to our global pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device...