Entrepreneur Alert! Why do 90% of startups fail?


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Starting a new business is an exciting venture filled with the promise of innovation, success, and financial reward, but the odds are stacked against success. The harsh reality is that 90% of startups fail. Understanding why startups fail can help aspiring entrepreneurs navigate the treacherous waters of the business world. According to research, two-thirds of start-ups never achieve a positive return.  

The 10 Common Reasons for Startups Failures

Startups fail

Understanding the key factors that lead to startup failures can help entrepreneurs avoid common pitfalls and increase their chances of success.

1. Market Misunderstanding

One of the most significant reasons startups fail is a fundamental misunderstanding of the market. Entrepreneurs often misjudge the needs and desires of their target audience, resulting in products or services that don’t resonate with potential customers. To avoid this pitfall, it’s crucial to rigorously define the problem your start-up aims to solve and validate your concepts with real customers before fully committing to the development process.

Example: Quibi, a high-tech video streaming platform, launched with the expectation that people would want to watch short-form videos on their phones, but the target audience found it unnecessary and expensive compared to other free platforms like YouTube.

2. Changing Market Conditions

Market conditions are never static; failing to anticipate or react to these changes can be detrimental. Start-ups that ignore shifts in market trends and dynamics may find themselves obsolete or outcompeted. Staying agile, adapting to changes, and continuously monitoring market conditions are essential strategies for staying relevant and competitive.

Example: Blockbuster failed to anticipate the rise of streaming services like Netflix and continued to focus on physical DVD rentals, leading to its decline and eventual bankruptcy.

3. Bad Market Timing

Timing can make or break a start-up. Launching too early may mean the market is still prepared for your product while launching too late can result in missing the window of opportunity. To time your entry strategically, it’s vital to research customer needs and market readiness before product development thoroughly.

Example: Webvan, an online grocery delivery service, launched in the late 1990s when the market and technology were not ready for such a service, leading to its collapse. Today, similar services like Instacart are thriving due to better market conditions.

4. Cash Flow Issues

Running out of funds is a common reason for startup failure. Many start-ups underestimate the amount of capital required to sustain operations until profitability. Managing cash flow meticulously and securing adequate funding through investors, loans, or grants can help mitigate this risk.

Example: Jawbone, a start-up known for its Bluetooth speakers and fitness trackers, burned through its cash reserves without achieving profitability, leading to its eventual shutdown.

5. Flawed Business Plan

A weak or unrealistic business model can doom a start-up from the outset. Without a solid plan that outlines how the company will generate revenue, it’s challenging to achieve long-term success. Developing a robust business plan, testing assumptions, and being willing to iterate based on feedback are critical steps in building a sustainable business.

Example: Juicero, a company that sold a $700 juicing machine, failed because its business model did not justify the high cost and complexity, especially when customers realized they could squeeze the juice packs by hand without the machine.

6. Poor Recruitment Practices

Hiring the wrong team can be disastrous for a start-up. The initial team members play a significant role in shaping the company’s culture and direction. Recruiting talent aligned with your vision and values and ensuring that each team member has the necessary skills and dedication is crucial for building a strong foundation.

Example: Theranos, a health technology start-up, hired employees who were not critical enough of the company’s flawed technology, leading to widespread internal issues and eventual legal troubles.

7. Weak Foundational Partnerships

Strained relationships with investors, factory partners, or other stakeholders can lead to failure. Strong partnerships and effective communication are vital for overcoming challenges and achieving mutual goals. Cultivating trust and maintaining open lines of communication with all partners is essential.

Example: WeWork’s reliance on long-term leases without securing the necessary financial partnerships and commitments led to significant financial strain and a highly publicized failed IPO.

8. Failure to Learn and Adapt

Not learning from mistakes or being unwilling to adjust course can hinder a start-up’s growth. Embracing a learning mindset, iterating based on feedback, and being willing to pivot when necessary are important for adapting to the ever-changing business environment.

Example: BlackBerry failed to adapt to the smartphone market’s shift towards touchscreens and app-based ecosystems, leading to its decline as competitors like Apple and Samsung innovated.

9. External Economic Factors

External economic factors, such as recessions, market downturns, and changes in consumer spending habits, can significantly impact start-ups. While these factors are beyond the control of the start-up, having contingency plans and being financially prudent can mitigate their impact.

Example: The cryptocurrency start-up Bitconnect faced significant challenges due to regulatory crackdowns and market volatility, ultimately leading to its collapse.

10. Founder Burnout

The intense pressure and long hours associated with running a start-up can lead to founder burnout. This can negatively affect decision-making and overall business performance. Founders need to maintain a healthy work-life balance and seek support when needed.

Example: The founder of Color, a photo-sharing app, faced burnout from intense pressure and long hours, which contributed to the start-up’s inability to pivot and succeed in the competitive app market.

Who bears responsibility?

  1. Founders

Founders play a crucial role in the success or failure of a startup. Their vision, leadership, and decision-making skills are fundamental. Poor leadership, a lack of experience, and an inability to pivot when necessary can contribute to failure.

  1. Employees

Employees also significantly impact the startup’s failure or success. A motivated and skilled team can drive a start-up forward, while disengaged or underperforming employees can hinder progress. Effective hiring practices and creating a positive work environment are key.

  1. Investors

Investors play a critical role by providing necessary funds and strategic guidance. Weak support or misaligned expectations from investors can lead to startup failure.

  1. Strategic Partners

Partnerships with other businesses, suppliers, and stakeholders are also crucial. Collaboration and alignment with strategic partners can help navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the start-up landscape requires resilience, adaptability, and a keen understanding of the pitfalls. By learning from failures and embracing a growth mindset, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success. Understanding the common reasons for failure and taking proactive steps to address them can help aspiring entrepreneurs build sustainable and thriving start-ups.


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