ConnectWise Australia Pty Ltd


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Jason Magee, CEO, ConnectWise Australia Pty Ltd

ConnectWise originated as a technology service provider in 1982. Over 32 years in business, the company grew into the longest-running, market-leading software platform for technology solution providers. The IT Nation is the global community of peers, made up of leading technology solution provider owners, industry thought leaders and IT professionals dedicated to helping each other remain accountable to their personal and professional growth. In 2019, the company became part of the Thoma Bravo portfolio, an investment firm with over 40 years of experience working with software infrastructure companies. The firm has acquired Continuum – the only platform that combined tools and tech with expert services to help technology solution providers see, protect, and proactively manage the health of their customers’ systems. Jason Magee, Chief Executive Officer of the company says, “The ConnectWise Platform offers intelligent software and expert services to easily run your business, deliver your services, secure your clients, and build your staff.” He adds, “We help manage your entire business with an award-winning PSA, quote and proposal automation, IT documentation, and real-time data and metrics.” With products aiding in business management, remote monitoring and management, remote control and access, quote and proposal automation, and cybersecurity risk assessments, integrations with hundreds of key vendors, plus the largest and most engaged community in the industry, ConnectWise has built a platform for The IT Nation.

Holistic Approach

Headquartered at Tampa, Florida, born out of a single software solution designed to help MSPs gain control of their help desk and billing, ConnectWise has grown into a robust platform of software built for technology solutions providers (TSPs) to run their entire as-a-service business. The ConnectWise platform delivers the solutions and services TSPs need to achieve their vision of success. The company provides quick access via multiple toolsets whenever the client needs it. Businesses can connect immediately through an unattended Access Agent or an ad-hoc basis with the support licenses. Clients can also connect to an end user’s camera to resolve issues as if the client is onsite.

Remote Control and Access

Going onsite to manage machines or fix issues wastes time and money, ConnectWise Control provides instant and reliable remote connectivity to end-user devices.


ConnectWise Control has best-in-class security features, including AES-256 encryption, single sign-on capability, multifactor authentication, and granular, role-based permissions. Cloud instances are automatically secured with an SSL certificate and enabled with an HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect and administrators can further harden their instance with configurable features such as page idle timeout, IP restriction, and forced host disconnection.

Generally, cyber-attacks can cost businesses thousands in damages. The company provides best-in-class security features including granular permissions, user management, and single sign-on capability.

Extension Marketplace

With more than 100 extensions and integrations with popular solutions like Freshdesk, Passportal, Zendesk, and more, ConnectWise Control empowers businesses to work in the most efficient way possible.


Every option in ConnectWise Control can be fully configured and customized to make the solution work for the technician’s needs. The organizations are independent and can make it their own for colleagues and end-users; it looks as if the MSP built the solutions themselves.


Many businesses use different solutions for clients on different operating systems and devices. ConnectWise supports clients on Windows, macOS, ChromeOS, and Linux/Unix operating systems and nearly every major browser. It also supports clients’ Android and iOS devices.

Developed to save time with unmatched reliability, speed, and execution, ConnectWise Control has the most powerful platform, with the easiest to use features. Jason asserts, “Out of all the features, partners are the happiest with the opportunities for customization and the ease of use. This matched with the unrivaled uptime make it best in class.”

Strengthening the Relationship with Core Values

Serving customers drive the experts of ConnectWise and enable them to work hard each day, and they feel pride in helping the clientele. For technicians looking for an unmatched remote access and support solution, ConnectWise Control provides powerful, secure, easy-to-use remote support features. With customization and reliability in mind, ConnectWise Control is configurable and efficient, with features and functionality to save time and money. Used by over 30,000 organizations, ConnectWise was built to provide flexibility and best-in-class service delivery for companies in varying industries.

“ConnectWise has a committed leadership team that supports our corporate vision and helps continuously drive partner success,” affirms Jason. “Our partners are at the center of everything ConnectWise does.”

The company continues to build a flexible platform, grow its ecosystem of peers, vendors, and solutions, and provide the support and services that help their partner to realize their vision of success.

The core values that keep the company focused are that the company is intensely passionate and personally committed to the success of the partners, colleagues, and the IT industry as a whole. It values innovation and believes that anything is possible. The company encourages leadership at all levels of ConnectWise, with a focus on trust, collaboration, and diversity of opinions. ConnectWise is built on a strong foundation of trust and integrity with transparent leadership. 

At ConnectWise, inspiration trumps ego and they work with a focus, desire, and a relentless pursuit of creating the best platform in the IT industry. “We value and serve our partners, as well as our colleagues, without pride or arrogance, always working together toward a better future for all,” concludes Jason.

Reflections of Trustworthiness

“ConnectWise Control gave the right push to RiskVal to become a global company. They’ve been able to continually demonstrate the value of their software and services to a client base that’s been more than willing to spread the word, which has led to more business for RiskVal” – Jordan Hu, CEO of RiskVal Financial Solutions.

“Before becoming a ConnectWise partner, my business was telling me that the low fuel light was on, and it wasn’t just my business, it was myself as an IT professional, burnt out and tired. A year later, what the business is saying to me now is that the rockets on the launch pad and the boosters are loaded up, we’re full of fuel and about to take off” – Reese Ormand, CEO, Techvera.


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