What Women Employees Really Want from Employers?


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One of my friends working in the big newspaper company once shared her concern regarding the duty position in the workplace. She truly wants to work with the editorial team of the newspaper that operates at night. Since she never experienced the work culture of an editorial desk, she wanted to know how journalists deal with the breaking news coming at the last moment and how they finalize content for the editorial page. But, she is not allowed. The reason is she is a woman. 

This is one of the many instances that show how an organization’s treatment to its women employees falls short of their expectations. Dealing with this, studies report that thousands of women employees quit the job because of their disappointment with the workplace. As an efficient employer, you should consider what a woman employee really expects and deserves from your organization. 

That being said, in this article, we discuss what are the different ways to make your women employees feel satisfied in your organization. 

Give Leadership Opportunities 

Gender discrimination in workplaces always remains a big business problem. The fact is that both men and women employees work side by side, walk the same hallways, and tackle the same business challenges. Yet, women inevitably experience the workplace differently in some ways, especially in leadership positions. In other words, women employees get fewer chances than males, in the case of receiving a promotion to leadership roles.

The study conducted by the Hay Group Division of Korn Ferry reveals that women scored higher than men on all emotional intelligence competencies. Women excel at emotional self-awareness, conflict management, empathy, and teamwork—all are essential for effective leadership in an organization. Thus, having more women at the top will enable an organization to enhance its competency and productivity. 

Finding their Calling 

Women employees certainly desire to get work opportunities that are appropriate to explore their skills and give sense to their careers. They expect the job responsibility should be centered on their identity by receiving satisfaction with the intellect. Thus, women employees usually look forward to getting involved in tasks that are personally aligned as per the strengths and values of the individual.

Ask her Opinion 

Jenna Wolfe, the host of Fox sports remarks, “I have worked in television for 23 years, the bulk of which have been as a sportscaster in a male-dominated field.” 

Jenna raised a complaint that people in the television industry don’t listen to what a female employee has to opine in crucial decision makings, and what are the suggestions she has to raise in that context. Studies report that more than 50 percent of the women employees are complaining about the same issue that employers don’t consider their opinion as valuable.

If you are an efficient employer, you should watch the thoughts of each employee in your organization irrespective of their gender. Consider female employees as human beings with creative minds. Ask their opinions, let them sit on content meetings, and listen to their ideas. This will help you to build a healthy and positive work environment. 

Respect for ‘Women Factors’

Enlightened employers go beyond meeting the basic need of their employees and seek to truly understand how to engage them,” says Denise Lee Yorn. This statement can read in the context of women employees in a way by considering their necessities inside the workplace.

As an employer, you can’t predict what kind of mental and physical condition a woman employee is suffering at the moment you ask her to immediately submit a project report. She might have been on the first day of the painful menstrual cycle, or she might have been tied to terrible mood swings. You should consider her situation and give an ear to what she has to say at the right moment. Ask her whether she is able to take up the task or she needs some more time. If she is unable to act quickly, let her do the work at her convenience by granting more working time. This consideration will make her more relaxed. And, because of this, she will remain faithful to you for the rest of her service in your company.


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