Kathy Matthew

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Hot Take: Apple is working on an AI chip for data Centers

To catch up with its rivals in artificial intelligence (AI), Apple is working on an AI chip to power AI software in data centers....

Sneaky Strategy: Australian bank Westpac announces new buyback and special dividend as profit slumps

Australian bank Westpac recently made headlines by announcing a significant increase in its share repurchase program. This strategic move comes amidst a backdrop of...

Elon Musk’s Unannounced Visit to China: A Milestone for Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Software

Recently, the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, made an unannounced visit to Beijing, sparking speculation about the electric car company’s ambitious plans for self-driving...

Mistake? No Worries! The Best Way to Reverse the Mistake in the Middle

We've all experienced that sinking feeling when the realization hits that a mistake has been made at work and how to reverse the mistake....

Code Red: North Korean Hackers Target South Korean Defense Contractors

In recent years, cybersecurity breaches have increasingly become a battleground for nations, with major North Korean hackers' groups intensifying their cyberattacks against South Korean...

Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Work Situations

In every workplace, challenges are inevitable. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, you'll encounter various difficult work situations that...